Planning for Change

October 2021

Hi ladies,

After a short hiatus, I'm back, and excited to share this month's My Two Cents, as well as a link to my "Dream.Plan.Do." interview with Betsy Hamm, CEO of Duck Donuts!

The one thing that is constant is change. How we prepare or react to it is up to us. I look forward to the change in seasons, and get excited when I am switching out my wardrobes and find things I forgot I had. It’s like shopping in my own closet! Seasonal changes are expected and so we know how to prepare for them. Other changes, while we may prepare for them, still can bring a sense of surprise or fear. Examples are retirement or the death of a spouse. Planning for our future is not always easy, but it is a critical exercise that allows us to react to these types of changes with a strong foundation and confidence that we can enjoy retirement and live the life we worked hard to achieve, or that things will ultimately be ok after a devastating loss. As part of the planning process, it is important to have trusted advisors to help you successfully maneuver through the ebbs and flows of life. As a CFP® professional, I take this role very seriously and focus on developing strong relationships with my clients so they will be able to worry less when change presents itself. Or, be there by their side to celebrate with them when they reach their financial milestones, like buying a house, or a new car, or retiring and living their lifelong dream. It is an honor to help people plan for change and life transitions, and to work in partnership to keep them on track.
As many of you know, we recently had a change at River Wealth Advisors. We planned for this change, and while we continue to evolve as a firm, we remain committed to our overarching plan of longevity and continuity in how we serve our clients. We look forward to what lies ahead and appreciate the continued trust of our valued clients.

Until next time,


P.S. - Don't forget to check out my "Dream.Plan.Do." series. The latest episode featuring Betsy Hamm, CEO of Duck Donuts, is out now! You can check it out here.

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Rebecca McClure