Legacy Mapping™


Estate planning can be complicated even for the professionals who specialize in it. River Wealth Advisors has developed a one-page visualization tool, called Legacy Mapping™, that simplifies the complex flow of all your assets in your estate plan. With the Legacy Mapping™ tool, we are able to identify any discrepancies between what your intention is and what your plan accomplishes. With this lens, we can then adjust your plan accordingly, giving you and your family peace of mind about the future.

The Legacy Mapping™ Process

The process begins by taking a deep dive into your estate plan, focusing on the implications of taxes, control, equalization, and asset placement. We then take this information and lay it out as a comprehensive and easy-to-understand visual using “if/then” scenarios. From there, we make recommendations based on your goals and work with your attorney to implement those changes. We will revisit the map with you annually to make adjustments based on life changes, taxes, and changes in control. Contact your River Wealth advisor directly or our office at invest@riverwealthadvisors.com if you are interested in learning more about this estate planning tool.


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Not all services will be appropriate or necessary for all clients, and the potential value and benefit River Wealth Advisors (“RWA’s”) services will vary based upon a variety of factors, such as the client’s investment and financial circumstances, the client’s tax bracket, the nature and amount of the client’s employer and outside benefits, the client’s level of cooperation and communication, and the client’s overall objectives. RWA will generally upon the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the client when providing advisory services. The receipt of personalized and tailored services, or your access to financial or professional resources should not be construed as a guarantee of a particular outcome. Past performance does not guarantee future results. All investing comes with risk, including risk of loss.