For the Love of Reading

July 2021

Hi ladies,

Do you love to read? I do! I especially enjoy sitting on the patio in the evenings during the summer with a book or my Kindle. I like to read everything from novels to mysteries to fantasy to self-enhancement books. I switch between genres every time I finish one and start another. I am currently reading a self-enhancement book by Jen Sincero. So far, I am really enjoying her perspective and practical advice.

As I think about books that have impacted me over the years, I wanted to share with you one that I found invaluable in educating women on investing, “Smart Women Love Money,” by Alice Finn.  This book explains how we, as women, generally think about money and investing and takes some of the mystery out of it. Her straightforward, plain-English approach is refreshing as she doesn’t overburden the dialogue with industry jargon. If you are looking for something new to read, or just want to learn more about investing, consider picking up her book. One of the things I love about my role at River Wealth is being able to educate investors, particularly women, on the power of planning, setting goals, and tailoring investments to achieve the goals. With “Smart Women Love Money,” you can start to dip your toe in the water. You won’t be disappointed, and it may help you down the road if you find yourself taking over your family finances.

I would love to hear from you. What books have you read that have made an impact on your life or are favorites of yours?

I hope you are enjoying your summer!
Until next time,


P.S. - Don't forget to check out my Dream. Plan. Do. series. The latest episode featuring Rebekah Morgan, the owner of Morgan Pilates in New Cumberland, PA. is out now. You can check it out here.

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Rebecca McClure