Investing in YOU

March 2021

Hi ladies,

March is a great time to think about taking time for the most important person in your life, YOU! Why March? Well, the days are finally getting longer and everyone is feeling the need to “stretch” from what has been a long winter. With Daylight Savings Time now in effect, more daylight is being added at the end of the day, stretching out our evenings.

What are you going to do with your extra hours of daylight? You should invest it in you; doing something you want to do or, at least, planning to do something for yourself.

You know all those things you want to do, learn, read, and places you want to visit or even that friend you keep meaning to reach out to? Use this spring energy to lay the groundwork, make a plan, put the wheels in motion for something you have been wanting to do. Research the specifics of that thing you want to “do” so you can put it on the calendar. Take the time to find the class or course offered to learn that language, skill, or any other thing you want to learn, and schedule or order it. Go to the library, the local bookstore, or go online and order that book you’ve been wanting to read. If you already have it, great! Set aside some of that time to start reading, maybe even outside in the sunshine! Where is it you want to go? Is it somewhere close by or farther away? Either way, look at the calendar and pick a date, then do some research to find out what protocols may be in place if you want to visit. Did you know that there are many virtual tours of faraway places online? You could spend some time “touring” a city, like Rome or Paris, or “walking” through a landmark, like the Colosseum or a museum, like the Louvre. And remember that friend that you are always thinking, “I should send a note to” or “I should call?” Do it. I am sure they would love to hear from you. One thing that became evident in 2020 is that we all need connection. Make March the month you spring into action.

Another great way to make time for yourself is to put times on your calendar that are solely for you. It could be time carved out of a busy schedule to just sit quietly, or it could be some scheduled fun time, or maybe time that you want to use to connect with someone else, like a video chat, lunch, or a phone call. Last year, I was taking part in an online communication series and something one of the presenters said really resonated with me. He said, “Make AND KEEP commitments to yourself.” That was one of the most powerful statements from 2020 for me. If you come to my office, you will see it posted on my wall (among other little reminders). I’ve already marked dates and times that I plan to use to connect with people I want to catch up with or get to know better. I’m working on adding time for things that bring me joy and fulfillment. You have things you want to do; you deserve time dedicated just to you. Investments of time in yourself always pay off.

If you have enjoyed reading “My Two Cents,” please also check out my new monthly video blog series, “Dream.Plan.Do.” The second episode launches tomorrow on and on our Facebook page.

Until next time,

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Rebecca McClure