Tax Efficient Investment Strategies Improve Total Return

Depending on your tax bracket and the type of gains realized, the IRS can chew up to 43.8% of it in taxes.Simply put, tax efficiency is a measure of how much of an investment’s return is left over after taxes are paid. Tax efficiency shouldn’t become so much of the focus that it degrades your portfolio performance; rather it should help preserve gains as much as possible.

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Reconsidering The Role Of Bond Funds

Bonds are an important part of a well diversified investment portfolio. They are widely viewed as a safe, low risk component for investment allocations, with an aim of preserving capital and generating income.  Bonds function like loans. Investors provide money for a period of time to finance projects. When the bond matures, the principal is returned, and interest is paid along the way.

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Considering Dividend Paying Stocks

The quickly changing market landscape makes it more difficult for investors to figure out what strategies will help grow their portfolio. Just when you think you’ve adjusted for market factors, like low interest rates, something new gets thrown into the mix. Uncertainty and the changing marketplace is one reason that investors may want to consider adding dividend-paying stocks to their portfolio.

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Changes in Social Security Rules Impact Retirement Plans

The Freedom of Work Act, which was passed in 2000, changed social security rules to provide benefit options for individuals who either continued to work, or returned to work after filing for social security benefits. Specifically, the rules allowed an individual to suspend their benefits after filing. While suspended, the benefit amount went up each year, earning delayed retirement credits.

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Retiring Zero Interest Rate

Not long ago, the prescription for investing for retirement was simple. Save as much as possible while working, and gradually become more conservative with your investments as retirement approaches. This strategy was frequently implemented in the past by converting growth oriented portfolios, which were comprised mainly of stocks, into income oriented portfolios, which focused more on fixed income or bonds.

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